I’ve been a member of a number of SourceForge projects since 2001 and I can’t recall that I’ve had any previous complaints about their services to the Open Source community, but I’ve been getting “Turn your skills into cash at SourceForge.net Marketplace” mails for a while now and my annoyance keeps growing. Some DNS checks… Continue reading SourceForge.net Marketplace spam
Author: David
Softhouse Scrum Master Kit
My employer has put together the brilliant Softhouse Scrum Master Kit including the really nice Softhouse Scrum Poster. I’ll grab one of the kits and hopefully provide some “unboxing” pictures!
Oracle PL/SQL declare, begin, end from Ant
Ant again. We had a file with Oracle PL/SQL statements using declare, begin and end. When using the sql task in Ant, it complained about reaching end-of-file on the line with “declare”. The problem is that Ant assumes that one line is one SQL statement, but it’s not that simple when using declare, begin and… Continue reading Oracle PL/SQL declare, begin, end from Ant
Happy 50th Birthday, LEGO!
In order to celebrate I’m a little tempted to start building something with my already old LEGO Mindstorms, or even buy something new, but I will attend to other projects today!
Printing “Things” in The Project
The Project will allow users to create and edit something I call “Things” in this article. One feature that is quite high on the priority list is to be able to print Things. I found the article “Print this page” with Ruby on Rails but I wanted a separate page for printing a Thing. I… Continue reading Printing “Things” in The Project
Nokia buys Trolltech
Nothing on Trolltech‘s site yet, but Nokia has a press release titled Nokia to acquire Trolltech to accelerate software strategy. What will KDE say?
Web design and SimpleSidebar
I found a suitable initial web design for The Project at Open Source Web Design. That’s a really great site! Now I’m learning about layouts in Ruby on Rails. As suggested in the Midnight Oil blog (Beds are burning?) article SimpleSidebar – If you have sidebars, you need this plugin I now use SimpleSidebar in… Continue reading Web design and SimpleSidebar
Is required in or not?
In an XSLT script I didn’t use <xsl:text> inside of <xsl:message>. It worked fine in xsltproc, but the Java XSLT implementation we use complained. What was wrong then? The text in an <xsl:message> was not inside an <xsl:text> element. Bad code: <xsl:message>Don’t do like this</xsl:message> Good code: <xsl:message><xsl:text>Do like this</xsl:text></xsl:message> To avoid making the same… Continue reading Is required in or not?
Canon EOS 450D
Canon has announced EOS 450D. It has a 12 megapixel sensor, live view in the LCD display and now uses SD/SDHC storage instead of CF. I’ll stick to my EOS 350D for now though. I don’t even use it every week.
Sneak-peak at HTML 5 – no frames!
The page HTML 5 differences from HTML 4 (W3C Working Draft 22 January 2008) contains a long list of changes. The removal of frames was probably to be expected. Multiple elements and many attributes that only have a presentational function in HTML 4 are removed. There are also some elements that have slightly changed meaning,… Continue reading Sneak-peak at HTML 5 – no frames!