In the Walt Disney short animated movie Ferdinand The Bull the matador never get to show off his cape and sword. Sometimes I feel like the matador and want to show off my cape and sword (i.e. my programming skills), but for various reasons I can’t. The bull (i.e. the task at hand) might be… Continue reading My cape and sword
Tag: Personal
About to buy a new laptop
I’m about to buy a new laptop. I’m still happy with my Thinkpad T60p1 even though it needs a service to get rid of some heat problems and this annoying display issue, which has become worse lately: Anyway, the new laptop is not for me but for my wife, so that there is less competition… Continue reading About to buy a new laptop
Happy 50th Birthday, LEGO!
In order to celebrate I’m a little tempted to start building something with my already old LEGO Mindstorms, or even buy something new, but I will attend to other projects today!
Project prioritization – Inspect and Adapt!
I try to avoid telling myself that I don’t have time for this or that. The truth is that it comes down to how I prioritize those things. I naturally try to put family and work first, but I also make room for my own projects and ideas. Some projects only take a few hours,… Continue reading Project prioritization – Inspect and Adapt!
On the bus, and not
I’m writing this on the bus on my way back home from work. The handwriting recognition on my Nokia 770 takes some getting used to but works quite alright. I’m thinking of buying a Nokia N810 but I’m not so sure. Starting from this sentence I’m writing from the comfort of my study. The travel… Continue reading On the bus, and not
Born in 1979
I just read that David Heinemeier Hansson, of Ruby on Rails fame, also was born in 1979. He took a very different route, but he is probably more of an entrepreneur than I am. Today I will move to another project at the client’s department. Change is good! 🙂
Bus Watch, a quite useless idea
My route from Ronneby to work in Karlskrona usually include the bus rather than the train. In the mornings I wait for the bus from Karlshamn to arrive in Ronneby. It is usually a few minutes late. A recent feature of the bus line is the onboard wireless network. (See also Webbsurfning pĂĄ bussen in… Continue reading Bus Watch, a quite useless idea
“Daily Scrum” at home?
I’m I crazy or not? Me and my wife usually have a chat in the evening about what we’ve done during the day (“started painting the bedroom”) and our plans for the day after (“continue painting the bedroom”). When I realized how similar this is to the Daily Scrum, I smiled and started asking her… Continue reading “Daily Scrum” at home?