Mandriva synchronizes Windows Mobile devices out of the box!

I read Guido Diepen’s blog post Syncing WM5/WM6 made easy with new Mandriva and it seems like Mandriva has made SynCE and OpenSync work out the box with no pain whatsoever. It’s like a dream coming true! 🙂 Here is Adam Will’s video Synchronizing with Windows Mobile 5/6 made easy in Mandriva. Watch and enjoy!

No peering between TeliaSonera and Cogent Communications

vs. I noticed yesterday that I could not visit The Daily WTF or Podomatic. Today I started investigating and __henke__ in #data on told me that my ISP Telia and Cogent Communications had stopped peering. Related links in approximately chronological order: The Telia-Cogent Spat Could Ruin the Web For Many ( Cogent depeer’er Telia… Continue reading No peering between TeliaSonera and Cogent Communications

The case of the failing ant copy filterset

I wanted to set a couple of Windows environment variables from Ant. The environment key-value pairs are stored on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment key in the registry. As a starting point I used the registry editor to export all keys. I called the file environment.reg.template and modified it to look something like this: Windows Registry Editor… Continue reading The case of the failing ant copy filterset

referer: junomsg://

My web server examines the the referer to deny deep linking to images on my sites, so I get log messages about that. When I browsed the logs today a few of those log lines caught my eye. They looked like this: client denied by server configuration: /directory/image, referer: junomsg://028985E8/ (I replaced the filesystem path… Continue reading referer: junomsg://