Mina ursäkter till Tage Danielsson! Sannolikt ja, det tycks innebära något som är nära sanningen. Dock är det inte exakt lika trovärdigt som den rena sanningen om det bara är sannolikt. Idag verkar vi inte längre ha råd med absoluta sanningar, utan vi måste förlita oss på sannolikhetsbedömningar. Det är beklagligt, för de håller en… Continue reading Monologen om Tietoevrys IT-säkerhet
Author: David
Workaround for crashing Electron/Atom applications!
A few days ago all my Electron (Atom Shell) apps started crashing on my Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) machine: Skype, Discord, Slack… and each stack trace looks very much like this: #0 0x0000000003419062 in () #1 0x0000000003f96086 in __start_google_malloc () #2 0x00000000034b9dc5 in calloc () #3 0x00007ffff20dc5d1 in g_malloc0 () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #4 0x00007ffff4afc4c9 in () at… Continue reading Workaround for crashing Electron/Atom applications!
Fix black textures in Unturned on Ubuntu Linux 2017
TL;DR: apt-get install libtxc-dxtn-s2tc
Lova – Java 8 functional interface for AsyncTask on Android
I call the class Lova – in Swedish “to promise something” is “att lova något” . This assumes you have converted your Android project to compile with Jack. Warning: Lambdas do not currently work with multidex! See issue 226867. This implementation only supports a single input parameter to the background task, but it the doInBackground method could easily be changed to send the… Continue reading Lova – Java 8 functional interface for AsyncTask on Android
Limitations of Apple iOS captive portal web browser
At my employer Softhouse (the best IT consultancy in Karlskrona, and we’re hiring!) I recently got the requirement to make an AngularJS web application work properly in the captive portal window on Apple iOS. These requests are made with HTTP header: User-Agent: CaptiveNetworkSupport-325.10.1 wispr A captive portal is the login screen you get when you connect to many wifi… Continue reading Limitations of Apple iOS captive portal web browser
I’m currently designing a smart phone game that I plan to monetize through a freemium model and came across the article Freemium Games Get The South Park Treatment by Felix Dicit. He references a South Park episode where they crack down on Freemium games: US link, Swedish link. My takeaway from this is that I need to be careful in… Continue reading Freemium
ng-transclude that also transcludes scope
With the built-in ng-transclude the the scopes become siblings. What if we want the transcluded HTML to inherit the scope of our directive? Thanks to Controlling Scope on the Transclude Function on ng-nuggets I was able to figure this out: angular .module(‘myApp.myModule’) .directive(‘myDirective’, myDirective); function myDirective() { return { controller: Controller, transclude: true, restrict: ‘E’,… Continue reading ng-transclude that also transcludes scope
Increase disk size for OpenShift Origin Virtual Machine
Loving OpenShift, but having more than the three projects that already cost more than I earn from them I run an OpenShift Origin Virtual Machine on my home server. So today I was trying to get Uptime running on OpenShift via uptime-openshift. A truly wonderful way of installing applications, except that it didn’t go so well: $ rhc app create uptime nodejs-0.10 mongodb-2.4… Continue reading Increase disk size for OpenShift Origin Virtual Machine
Add PDO support to PHP 5.4 on OpenShift Origin
yum install php54-php-pdo yum install php54-php-pdo_mysql
Why use I²C to access 1-Wire from Raspberry Pi?
A friend of mine asked the excellent question on why I bought an I²C 1-Wire expansion module for 300 SEK (about €30) when there are kernel drivers for using 1-Wire over GPIO right away and exposing the 1-Wire network below /sys/bus/w1/. I honestly didn’t know of this option! Now I’ve made some investigations and realized that for example the… Continue reading Why use I²C to access 1-Wire from Raspberry Pi?