New hardware ordered: printer and kitchen computer

The kitchen computer project will be powered by a black ASUS EeeBox B203! The ancient 800 MHz (VIA Samuel 2 crap CPU) Mini-ITX machine I use for the prototype is very slow, has issues with the USB network adapter (NetGear WG111v3, ID 0846:4260),  and freezes occasionally so it will be retired soon! I will try… Continue reading New hardware ordered: printer and kitchen computer

Firefox 3.0 freezes waiting to resolve in DNS

My current daytime setup is for various reasons a Windows XP installation with Ubuntu Jaunty running inside VirtualBox. I use Microsoft Windows for Outlook, SQL Navigator and some web browsing while using the Linux installation for development. This morning I started Firefox in Windows XP, changed focus to VirtualBox or some other window, and when… Continue reading Firefox 3.0 freezes waiting to resolve in DNS

Permute an array in PHP

I wrote this function recently when I could not find it in the PHP function list. Please provide any optimizations you discover! function permute($array) { $results = array(); if (count($array) == 1) { $results[] = $array; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $first = array_shift($array); $subresults = permute($array); array_push($array,… Continue reading Permute an array in PHP

Google Talk in Pidgin working behind enterprisey proxy

When I configured Pidgin 2.5.5 to use as Jabber server, the proxy said: HTTP/1.1 403 This URL is explicitly denied from being proxied Fortunately it was a very stupid proxy, so resolving to an IP address worked fine! Here is the advanced settings screen for the working connection:

Categorized as Ubuntu