Why is the Swedish translation in ISO8859-1? Sooooo 20th century! đ Templates cd /usr/share/mailman/sv for f in *; do mv $f $f.old; iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 $f.old > $f done rm *.old Translations cd /var/lib/mailman/messages/sv/LC_MESSAGES mv mailman.po mailman.po.original iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 mailman.po.original > mailman.po msgfmt mailman.po -o mailman.mo /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py DEFAULT_CHARSET = ‘utf-8’… Continue reading Convert mailman translation to UTF-8
Category: Ubuntu
New hardware ordered: printer and kitchen computer
The kitchen computer project will be powered by a black ASUS EeeBox B203! The ancient 800 MHz (VIA Samuel 2 crap CPU) Mini-ITX machine I use for the prototype is very slow, has issues with the USB network adapter (NetGear WG111v3, ID 0846:4260), and freezes occasionally so it will be retired soon! I will try… Continue reading New hardware ordered: printer and kitchen computer
Firefox 3.0 freezes waiting to resolve safebrowsing-cache.google.com in DNS
My current daytime setup is for various reasons a Windows XP installation with Ubuntu Jaunty running inside VirtualBox. I use Microsoft Windows for Outlook, SQL Navigator and some web browsing while using the Linux installation for development. This morning I started Firefox in Windows XP, changed focus to VirtualBox or some other window, and when… Continue reading Firefox 3.0 freezes waiting to resolve safebrowsing-cache.google.com in DNS
Google Talk in Pidgin working behind enterprisey proxy
When I configured Pidgin 2.5.5 to use talk.google.com as Jabber server, the proxy said: HTTP/1.1 403 This URL is explicitly denied from being proxied Fortunately it was a very stupid proxy, so resolving talk.google.com to an IP address worked fine! Here is the advanced settings screen for the working connection:
To upgrade or not to upgrade?
I have updated a couple of my Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) installations to Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) but not yet my primary laptop. I was about to do that tonight (isn’t starting something at 22:00 a grea idea?) but the upgrade procedure showed me the message below, making me postpone the upgrade and write this blog post… Continue reading To upgrade or not to upgrade?
Touch screen monitor arriving this week
Last summer I outlined the components needed to build a kitchen computer but I never created one. (If you know Swedish you can read my blog post Köksdator?) One of my requirements was a touch screen interface. Right now an LG L1510SF touch screen monitor is in the mail, heading my way! I actually have… Continue reading Touch screen monitor arriving this week