- Download from //virtualboxes.org/images/ubuntu-server/
- VBoxManage register “/storage2/virtualboxes/Ubuntu server 11.10/Ubuntu server 11.10.vbox”
- VBoxManage list vms
“Ubuntu server 11.10” {231c28f0-19bb-48d7-9db4-ba29de37e5fd} - VBoxManage modifyvm “Ubuntu server 11.10” –usbehci off
- VBoxManage modifyvm “Ubuntu server 11.10” –pae on
- VBoxManage modifyvm “Ubuntu server 11.10” –nic1 bridged –bridgeadapter1 em0
- VBoxManage sharedfolder add “Ubuntu server 11.10” –name backup –hostpath /backup
- nohup VBoxHeadless –startvm “Ubuntu server 11.10” -n 2>&1 &
- Connect from desktop via VNC to configure and install guest additions (sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms)
(Note that my blog converts two dashes to a single long dash above.)