Download Civilization IV: Colonization torrent

This is a link to a file called Download Civilization IV: Colonization torrent that contains the full press release and this is the most relevant part:

In Colonization, players lead one of four European nations on a quest to conquer and rule the New World. Players will be challenged to guide their people from the oppressive motherland, discover the New World, and negotiate, trade and fight with both the natives and other nations as they acquire power and fight for freedom and independence.

As a complete reimagining of the 1994 classic, Colonization is a total conversion of Civilization IV that combines Civilization’s addictive "just one more turn" gameplay with all-new graphics and features that add more depth to the franchise. New features, such as a brand-new interface, improved diplomacy options and the included modding tools ensure that Colonization will be the next great title from gaming’s premier strategy game developer.

Please note that this is not a download or torrent of Civilization IV: Colonization but a test to see how many people try to avoid paying for their games and end up on this page.


  1. @Lolak

    Damn, I didn’t think about that. Maybe I should disable AdSense so that Google won’t punish me for this stunt?

  2. Nah, Google won’t punish you. You’re not doing anything wrong. It would be a kind of poetic justice if you did make some money, too (at least I think so!)


    Btw, getting many hits?

  3. @Lolak

    You judge! 🙂 According to Google Analytics I’ve had 29 visits arriving from searches that included the word “Colonization”.

  4. So: a bit, but those might also be “valid” searches, simply looking for info about the game. I wonder if the hits’ll go up after the game gets released.

  5. @Lolak

    Good point! 24 of those visits matched “colonization torrent” and then there was another 41 yesterday matching the same keywords.

  6. “Please note that this is not a download or torrent of Civilization IV: Colonization but a test to see how many people try to avoid paying for their games and end up on this page.”

    Damn you and your trickery. :-p

  7. My query to get here was buy and download colonization since Direct2Drive doesn’t sell it to Europe yet and I can’t find it on Steam 🙁

    Anyway, when you find legit buy and download links (such as Direct2Download for the american crowd) you should update your article with them! 🙂

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