I looked in Apache’s error_log file and noticed multiple lines like this: an unknown filter was not added: DEFLATE After thinking a bit I recalled that I added the following line in the .htaccess file in the root directory for on one of my domains, but never tested it properly: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml… Continue reading an unknown filter was not added: DEFLATE
Tag: WWW
World Wide Web
Reading Interoperability Wars – Episode 6 – Part 1 – Revenge of Babble just made me want to create a blog post with this title.
My first AJAX!
Probably years after everyone else, I’ve made my first AJAX-enabled web page today. As I do this from within Ruby on Rails, it was virtually painless to remove or replace a piece of HTML. My next AJAX step was to get in_place_editing working. The first problem was the InvalidAuthenticityToken and the second issue was that… Continue reading My first AJAX!
Sneak-peak at HTML 5 – no frames!
The page HTML 5 differences from HTML 4 (W3C Working Draft 22 January 2008) contains a long list of changes. The removal of frames was probably to be expected. Multiple elements and many attributes that only have a presentational function in HTML 4 are removed. There are also some elements that have slightly changed meaning,… Continue reading Sneak-peak at HTML 5 – no frames!
A “proxy” that converts a Real Player audio stream to MP3?
While working on creating an Atom feed from a web page I got the idea to create a proxy that takes an audio stream in Real Player format over RTSP/RTP/RDP and converts it to MP3 over HTTP. It should actually not be harder than to use mplayer to “play” the stream to lame and then… Continue reading A “proxy” that converts a Real Player audio stream to MP3?
Creating an Atom feed from a web page
Most of my time at the computer yesterday was spent working on an unofficial syndication of the broadcast archive for the Swedish radio show P3 Rytm. It’s actually quite simple… 🙂 Use curl to download the web page broadcast archive for the show Use iconv to convert the page to UTF-8 Use tidy to convert… Continue reading Creating an Atom feed from a web page
Good domain names are hard to find
As the The Project is a web site, I had to look around quite a while for suitable domain names. Many of my desired names were already taken, but IIRC none of them was actually used for something. Some are probably a case of domain name speculation, some may be registered by people with a… Continue reading Good domain names are hard to find
Rest in peace, Netscape
The end of life for the Netscape web browser was announced yesterday in the blog article End of Support for Netscape web browsers. Of course, everyone I know switched to Firefox a long time ago, so I can’t say this has any impact but a small emotion of nostalgia, something like when I heard of… Continue reading Rest in peace, Netscape