Øresund Agile goes Nordic Agile!
Scrum for team members is a workshop directed to the developers and testers in an agile team,, an obviously very important component in an agile project but maybe not so much the primary target for conferences and the like.
I liked Jim Coplien’s Agile Architecture session on Øresund Agile 2008 very much so I’m pretty sure I can recommend his workshops at Nordic Agile. (Btw, I saw him rushing by at Kastrup Airport the other week!)
The agile team that I’m part of will most likely be delivering version 1.0 of our current project around those dates, so I won’t be going but I hope you will. Read more on the Nordic Agile web page!
I almost forgot, Clarion Hotel is really nice too! 🙂
On a related note: I like the word the Norweigans use for agile: smidig.