Why can’t I find an XSLT file that that converts any XML file to a Graphviz DOT file that visualizes elements and attributes? It’s almost like I’m beginning to doubt my Google “skillz”! I’ve found some scripts that are specially targeted to various XML-based formats, but no generic one. Maybe it’s so simple that I… Continue reading A generic XML visualization with Graphviz?
Month: January 2008
Born in 1979
I just read that David Heinemeier Hansson, of Ruby on Rails fame, also was born in 1979. He took a very different route, but he is probably more of an entrepreneur than I am. Today I will move to another project at the client’s department. Change is good! 🙂
Bus Watch, a quite useless idea
My route from Ronneby to work in Karlskrona usually include the bus rather than the train. In the mornings I wait for the bus from Karlshamn to arrive in Ronneby. It is usually a few minutes late. A recent feature of the bus line is the onboard wireless network. (See also Webbsurfning pÃ¥ bussen in… Continue reading Bus Watch, a quite useless idea
Good domain names are hard to find
As the The Project is a web site, I had to look around quite a while for suitable domain names. Many of my desired names were already taken, but IIRC none of them was actually used for something. Some are probably a case of domain name speculation, some may be registered by people with a… Continue reading Good domain names are hard to find
The humble beginnings of The Project
Yesterday and today I took some time to work on The Project. (Tomorrow I’m back at work, so much for a holiday project.) I tossed aside requirements on a strictly Swedish interface, so the controller names are in English and I don’t use Ola Bini‘s Swedish Rails yet. Honestly I haven’t done any TDD/BDD yet… Continue reading The humble beginnings of The Project
“Daily Scrum” at home?
I’m I crazy or not? Me and my wife usually have a chat in the evening about what we’ve done during the day (“started painting the bedroom”) and our plans for the day after (“continue painting the bedroom”). When I realized how similar this is to the Daily Scrum, I smiled and started asking her… Continue reading “Daily Scrum” at home?